UP Board 10th Exams Result 2016 Name Wise, UP 10 Result By Name

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UP Board 2016 Name Wise 10th Class Result, UP Board 10th Class Result 2016 By Name Wise, UP Board 10th Exam 2016 Result By Name Wise, Name Wise UP Board 10th Result.

UP Board 10th Result By Name 2016

UP BOARD has announced UP Board 10th Class 2016 Result By Name on Saturday and give an end to the curiosity of thousands of Parents and students about the examination performance which were held at 12/03/2016 to 6/04/2016. This year's performance was better as compared to last Year there has been an increase of 2.88% than last year results, an overall Performance is 86.63% where once again girls proof them better than boys by Scoring 91.25% and where boys scored 82.87%. 

But comparatively last year Performance boys growth rate percentage has been increased in comparison with girls , where girls growth rate is 2.3% whereas boys growth rate has increased to 3.26% which shows a good sincere among the students. 33.32 lakhs students had been appearing in the exam where as only 28.86 lakh  get passed this year. 

At 172 evaluation countries the answer sheets had been checked state given by Board Director “VASUDEV YADAV”. Ashutosh Mishra and Aradhna Shukla toppers of UP BOARD  OF 2016 scores 97.33% and 97% had recorded their name in the history of the BOARD. As overall performance would be checked by the whole state than it is recommended that “Maharajaganj district  stood at the top with 94.79% , while Pilibhit at the bottom with 70.79%.  

UP 10th Class Name Wise Result 2016

It is saidthat 10th class is the turning point of every student’s life because UP Board 10th Name Wise Results 2016 decided the carrier of the students to a large extent so the students who had secured good marks opt subjects as they wish and those who failed this year or cannot achieve their percentage target this year should not get disappointed because life is full of good and bed races , and just try next time more efficiently  rather than adopting the useless attempts Because failure is not , it is bad not to try next time. 

And once again have a heart Congratulations to all the students who had passed and have a great future for all.

Official Web Link of UP Board 10th Result 2016 By Namehttp://upresults.nic.in/
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