Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally 2016, Assam Rifles Constable GD and Rifleman GD Rally 2016 for 544 vacancies, Assam Rifles Constable Recruitment 2016 apply now for participate
Latest recruitment notification about Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally 2016 :
Once again this year Assam Rifles given opportunity to all those candidates who want to start their career as Constable (GD) and Riflesman (CT) in Assam Rifles. Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally 2016 for 544 Constable (GD) and Riflesman (CT) under recruitment project 2016 - 2016. Special recruitment rally will be held in border districts of Manipur and Nagaland . All the deriosu applicants can apply for Rally , More details are available in below.
Vacancy Details :
1. Constable (GD) in CAPFS
2. Riflemen (GD) in Assam Rifles
I. Recruitment Rally at Manipur: 244 posts
II. Recruitment Rally at Nagaland: 300 posts
2. Riflemen (GD) in Assam Rifles
I. Recruitment Rally at Manipur: 244 posts
II. Recruitment Rally at Nagaland: 300 posts
Eligibility Criteria :
Age Limit : Candidates aged between 18 year to 23 year as on 01-08-2016. Age relaxation 3 years for OBC applicants and 5 years for Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe applicants.
Educational Qualification : All applied applicants should passed minimum 10th from recognized board or instutution.
Application fees : Candidates have to pay Rs.50/- payable through SBI Challan through Power Jyoti Account No, 32611562834 at SBI, Laitkor Branch, Shillong, Code No – 13883. Fee paid by SBI Challan will be submitted along with the application.
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